Catalyst Intra Workout

Catalyst Intra Workout

Regular price $48.00

The all in one performance blend for any athletic or physical activity. The traditional “intra” is typically one dimensional, omitting crucial ingredients that boost your performance, or it contains worthless ingredients like BCAAs.

Catalyst is 26 grams of high quality, fast acting carbs along with a nuanced electrolyte profile to help recomp after a water cut, or to replenish lost nutrients from sweating. It also contains Betaine which helps against muscle atrophy and is an osmolyte that has benefits on a cellular level. It also contains 600mg of Alpha GPC, which helps with neuro and muscle activation.

This formula is safe, effective and is the most important piece of the puzzle for your athletic performance whether it’s in the gym, on the field, and everything in between.

Customer Reviews

Based on 23 reviews
Ethan Sink
Great for long sessions

Perfect for during the long sessions where you need to replenish. tastes amazing

Roger Soares

First time taking this and I love it, get a good boost and I stay hydrated!

Necessary for my workout

I’m actually turning my body around for real with the mix of supplements I bought from 110% and some carnitine on the side. This Intra is very very good. I definitely feel the power push in the middle of my workout and I don’t want to go without it anymore. I add this just to water and it’s fine. I don’t know how I feel about taking both pre workout and this, if I do full scoops of both around 5pm when I can finally workout, then I’ll be up until 2am+. So I’ve been taking about half dosage of 110% pre and full scoop of Intra. Intra is damn good.

Cristian Herrera
Mixed berry flavor is good

I'm reviewing well after finishing the tub. This is a real intra-workout with proper ingredients & proper dosages. Perfect to help power through that last half of the workout where I'm usually dragging. Amazing product that actually helps with pre/mid/post workout recovery... really you can notice the difference.
Also surprising bonus of Alpha-GPC which you usually only see in pre-workout. Very high value for what you're getting.

Toufik Messegeum

Catalyst Intra Workout

Why choose us?

A commitment to you.

Born from a desire to change the way the fitness and supplement industry operated, 110 Percent was created to provide quality products in a transparent, value driven way. YOU are the most important cog in this machine, and every product we sell is made with your health and performance in mind.


I came into the gym with a headache, after driving for 40 something minutes and wasn’t as prepared as usual. I took 110 and proceeded to have my most consistent bench press day in a while and hit 2 personal records. I don’t remember crashing or ever really feeling jittery. Definitely recommend.

Jon Melamed

110% is the best pre-workout available for natural lifters. The focus I feel combined with the skin-splitting pump makes this pre-workout a bodybuilder’s dream! When I try other brands, there is too much caffeine which detracts from vasodilation and creates a jittery and distracted feeling. 110% keeps me concentrated on my work!

Nick Bazela